Colorado - Heart of America - St. Louis
Joint I2SL Chapter Event
--2020 Virtual Education Day--
Thursday, November 5
Joint I2SL Chapter Event
--2020 Virtual Education Day--
Thursday, November 5
Education Day will be virtual this year on 11/5/20. This year the Colorado Chapter, Heart of America Chapter, and St. Louis Chapter are joining forces to bring you even more education than normal with a greater variety of tracks from the experts in our respective regions. If you were not able to attend the National Conference, perhaps this one day event will work in your calendar. Our goal is to make the cost of Education Day free for those who paid to attend the National Conference as well as Institutional Members. The event will include a key note presentation, 18 presentations, and a panel discussion.
Dr. Richard Bowen of Colorado State University Infectious Disease Research Center will be our key note speaker this year. Dr. Bowen researches Sars-Cov-2 in animal models among other viral research.
The panel discussion will include representatives from universities, within our respective regions, and focus on how they are navigating the COVID-19 environment on campus. We hope that you can join us for this exciting event!
A limited number of registrations will be available on a first-come first-served basis.
If you plan to attend the Virtual Education Day, please register here:
Dr. Richard Bowen of Colorado State University Infectious Disease Research Center will be our key note speaker this year. Dr. Bowen researches Sars-Cov-2 in animal models among other viral research.
The panel discussion will include representatives from universities, within our respective regions, and focus on how they are navigating the COVID-19 environment on campus. We hope that you can join us for this exciting event!
A limited number of registrations will be available on a first-come first-served basis.
If you plan to attend the Virtual Education Day, please register here: